Making your own avatars
Editing the avatars.dat file
Heartfall World Hosting
for 3.4
Creating your own Avatars list can be an enjoyable way of creating a special theme for your world.
The first important note is that the avatars.dat file must be saved in .txt (plain text) format.
You can use programs such as notepad or wordpad to do this. Save the file as avatars.dat then zip it and upload it to your object path's avatars folder.
You can find your avatars.dat file in the Active Worlds cache folder - Art. Locate the url for the path you are using and look inside it's folder. You can do this by opening up Wordpad start/programs/accessories/worldpad - then file/open and be sure to select 'file types' in the open window to '*.* All Documents' The avatars.dat file should then appear for you.
The first line in the avatars.dat file must be:
Your avatar descriptions will then follow below that line.
The first two avatars listed in the dat file are the avatars used by tourists. These can be any rwx or cob files named as you wish, although only avatar files will have movements.
The five (5) Special avatars do not get added to the dat file.
Characters other than - and _ cannot be used in the names and the filenames are case sensitive aA bB etc. Do not use spaces or that avatar entry will fail.
If you wish to add a category on your list you can follow this example:
The above example will create a null avatar entry named PRIVATE on your list.
All avatars start with the line entry - avatar and will end with the line entry - endavatar
Below is an example for a female avatar: avatar |
In the example to the left, name=Female1 Female1 is the name that will show on the avatars list inside of the AW browser. geometry=female1avatar.rwx female1avatar.rwx is the file name for that avatar. New in
3..4* You can copy & paste avatar data and then replace the name and filenames if you wish to use the same seqs for each avatar as described or you can change out the sequences (gestures) as described below: In the example to the left, the beginimp and the endimp commands are the walk, wait & endwait , lines which should remain and the sexywalk, qwait2 & qendwait represent the seq file names which can be changed to other seq file names of your choosing. New
in 3..4* The New idle, run, fly, float, hover, jump & fall commands will be invoked at the proper times by the browser. You can use any seq file for these actions that you wish. 3.4 does not require new seq files. Between beginexp and endexp are the seq's gesture buttons which appear in the browser and their seq filenames to the right. Example:
happy=qhappyf An entry for a male avatar would be similar with changes made to the walk and gesture seqs. |
An entry for a male avatar would be similar with changes made to the walk and gesture seqs.
Below is
an example of an avatars.dat file with four (4) avatars listed on it + one
(1) category (Male-AVs):
version3 avatar
avatar avatar avatar |
In the example above you can see that the BRB avatar has no sequences listed. BRB is a text rwx with no moving joints therefore no sequences are needed for it.
Now save your file as avatars.dat in txt format and then zip it. You are now ready to have your new avatars.dat file loaded to the path
We hope that you have found this tutorial helpful. Please visit our World Hosting and Custtom Object/Avatars sites to discover how to improve your Active Worlds experience.
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Heartfall Productions Design Studio
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