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My husband and I have a small ministry through our church called SDC Compassion Center. We have been helping the homeless in downtown Dallas but our real desire is to minister to disadvantaged children in the South Dallas county part of the metroplex. We have been trying to find a need that has not been filled in helping children. Do you have any ideas? We also have a small food pantry. Would like ideas and direction for this ministry.
Janice Carson <sdcompassion@hotmail.com>
Lancaster, TX USA - Thursday, July 08, 1999 at 17:39:19 (PDT)
Your site is beautiful. I love what you stand for.
Beth <bethma@yahoo.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Tuesday, June 08, 1999 at 01:39:27 (PDT)
I love what you are doing for these children. I myself grew up without a home and I will never forget the wonderful people who helped myself and my family. God Bless You for all your efforts.
Cathy <trex456@hotmail.com>
Burbank, CA USA - Sunday, April 18, 1999 at 00:41:58 (PDT)
You are doing wonderful work. Children are the souls of our future. It is great that you take the time to care.
Marla <mpl@yahoo.com>
Aurora, CO USA - Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 23:44:32 (PST)
Name: Mindy Christine
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 at 15:13:20
Hello Lars, Great web site. Keep up the work! Hope that you are doing well. I will soon have an E-Mail address that you can use. See ya!


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