Want Your Own Avatars & Use WCOL
We now offer WCOL users
the opportunity to have their own Private
Avatars Folder and List! This allows
you the freedom to make your own custom avatars, collect, or purchase them, or name them
as you wish.
Our Private Avatars
option allows WCOL users the ability to
design their own customized list of avatars to fit their world's theme. Space Worlds, GOR
Worlds, Pokemon Worlds, etc. can all enjoy a unique list with this option while still
enjoying the use of WCOL's huge object path. You can see this in action by
visiting our world, A!!usion located in the Active
Worlds universe.
We have worked with our
fellow engineers and have developed a script free technique that allows you to
utilize all the WCOL objects, textures, backdrops, sounds, & seqs and have your own
Avatars List as well!
By utilizing our script
free technique the AW browser avoids the possible glitches and crashes caused when using
scripts such as cgi and perl multipath. Your world will connect at the same ultra
high speeds with our new private avatars service!
The Private Avatars
Option includes:
4 initial uploads** to
avatars folder during first 30 days.
2 additional uploads** to
folder per month of continued service.
We password protect all
your avatar zip files.
Use of all our SEQs
including our custom GOR SEQs.
Use of our avatars list
while you create your own.
Privacy Protection. Your
avatars will only be accessible in your own world.
As a Private Avatars Option user, you will e-mail us your avatars,
their textures & seqs along with your updated avatars.dat file. We will password
protect them for you with our WCOL password and add them to your private avatars folder on
our WCOL path server. You are required to include all textures necessary for your avatar
as well as the current avatars.dat file and any unique seqs it needs.
If you are unfamiliar with editing the avatars.dat file, we will assist
you for an additional $10.00 fee. This fee is charged per re-write of file.
**Uploads are based per e-mail received.
Example: 1 e-mail with 20 avatars, it's textures, seqs, & dat = 1 upload.
Make Your World
Even More Unique!
E-Mail us if
you have any questions.
We will be happy to answer
your questions about the new world you now have. *S*
Always Fast, Always Friendly,
Always there for You!
What are you waiting for? Under
most circumstances, your new path services will start within 10 minutes of placing your

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