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Art Textures:
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Carpet Textures:
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Colored Textures:
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Earthtone Textures:
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Geometric Textures:
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Marble Textures:
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Metal Texures:
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Misc Textures:
amisc01 arrwlm back beer1 bk5 chest1 chilli colum gray2 helm helm2 keyb latte1 lbbfly leg1 light1 lwcr lwspiral minionskin mlwchrtr mlwlclk mlwmnsbrn mlwpaws moeg01 mwtbk006 nanmoon nsmail41 orca peachshell rtable18 rtablewin1 shop1 shop2 skyc1 skyc2 skye1 skye2 skyn1 skyn2 skys1 skys2 skyw1 skyw2 surf4 travess1 uniform2 whcm wshoebl yarrwdwn yarrwup yazur yblue2 yblue3a yblue3a1 yblue4 yblue5a yblue5b yblustr43 ybrngrass ycheerios yfem yfishy yfungii1 ygridd1 ylflare5 ylight1 yliscie1 ymatch2 ymirr2 ymirror7 yraindro2 yredback1 yredback2 yredtye ysnail yspiral1 ystars0 ysunmirr ytextr1 ytextr2 ytextr3 ytile2d ytile2e ytile2f ytile2ff ywlll2 ywlll3 zenter2 zover1 zwall1 zwin |
Mosaic Textures:
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Picture Textures:
blimp2 blimp3 bookcase booth1 cabinet cgroc1 chatwal1 clock1 coins3 collar cons1 exorcpst hfp00s mb17 newsbot newstop wrap1 wrap2 yliqcab |
Shingle Textures:
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Sign Textures:
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Space Textures:
aspace06 aspace06a flare1 misc5 rot x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 zcart zearth1 zetacar zn2440 zsat zspace1 |
Stone Textures:
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Tile Textures:
2parq93 _cpanel aburlap01 al_brocade03 ascreen1 atile003 atile004 atile006 atile01 atile011 atile014 atile017 atile02 atile023 atile024 atile025 atile026 atile027 atile028 atile03 atile09 atile1 atile103 atile11 atile111 atile12 atile17 atile18 atile2 atile21 atile22 atile23 atile24 atile25 atile26 atile27 atile29 atile3 atile39 atile4 atile5 atile6 atile7 atile8 atile9 atiles01 atiles11 atiles21 atiles22 atiles23 atiles31 atiles32 atiles33 atiles34 atiles35 atiles36 atiles37 atiles38 atiles39 atiles44 barre23 ceil classi01 dan glass lw009 lw010 lwbrnt1 mbrick mdcbk005 mdcbk006 mdcbk007 mdcbk008 mlbk005 mtlbk001 mtlbk002 mtlbk003 mtlbk005 mtlbk006 mtlbk100 nansox old_beer parqu104 pave002 tile1 tile2 tile4 tl2_030 tl2_086 x_at040 x_gliltblue x_goldmos xtile001 xtile0011 xtile0012 xtile0013 xtile0014 xtile0015 xtile0016 xtile0017 xtile0018 xtile0019 xtile002 xtile0020 xtile0021 xtile0022 xtile0023 xtile0024 xtile0025 xtile0026 xtile0027 xtile0028 xtile003 xtile004 xtile005 xtile006 xtile007 xtile008 xtile01 xtile010 xtile011 xtile012 xtile013 xtile016 xtile017 xtile02 xtile03 xtile04 xtile6 ycarve01 ycarve01a ycarve5 ycarve5a ycarve5b ycknots1 ycknots2 yetch2 yetch222 yetch222a yetch_c yetch_d yetch_e yglsblk1 yplastic1 yshield1 ystar1 ystar2 ystar3 ystar4 ystarmtl1 ytextr4 ytextr4a ytextr5 ytextr5a ytextr6 ytextr6a ytile1 ytile1a ytile1b ytile2a ytile2b ytile2c ytile2t ytile3a ytile3b ytile3c ytile3d ytile3e ywlll4 zig2 |
Wallpaper Textures:
cstripe1 dn-sand3 fabric01 mai03 mai04 mai05 mai06 mai07 mai08 mai09 maze1 roses1 x_1505844 x_1518937 x_1519293 x_1519619 x_1520169 x_1521071 x_1521225 x_1521227 xwalp1 xwalp2 xwalp3 xwalp4 xwalp5 yellowf1 yflwr |
Water Textures:
awater012 awater1 awater104 awater11 awater12 awater14 awater15 awater2 awater22 awater3 awater33 awater34 awater4 awater5 awater51 awater6 awater7 awater8 awater9 awatera awaters02 claudette fwat3 fwat3a fwat3b fwat4 mgt00351 mgt003512 mgt003641 mgt003801 mwater4 mwtbk008 mwtbk009 ocean1 ocean2 ocean3 ocean4 sharkskn sharkskn2 sharkskn3 water1 water2 watf1 xwtr1 xwtr1a xwtr2 xwtr3 xwtr4 xwtr5 xwtr6 xwtr7 xwtr7a ynewater1 ywater00 ywater1 ywater11 ywater12 ywater13 ywater2 ywater20 ywater3 |
Wood Textures:
ark09 awood01 awood02 awood03 awood04 awood06 awood07 awood08 awood09 awood5 bkwalnut brownhair bwood1 bwood2 bwood3 bwood4 bwood5 bwood6 cupbrd cupbrd2 dbrownh dwd dwd1 fcchwd furn3 lblondh lredh lwdwd lwoodplnks1 lwoodplnks1a loodplnks2 lwoodplnks2a lwoodplnks3 lwoodplnks3a mai01 mgt00711 mgt007111 mgt00754 mgt007542 n012 oak1 pine6 rtable1 rtable12 rtable2 rtable6 rtable8 srwood4 tnbark01 wood001a wood008 wood1 wood2 wood3 wood4 wood5 woodflor wornwood1 xwood1 xwood6 xwoodd xwoodplk ytnbark01 ywood1 ywood2 ywood3 ywood4 ywood5 |
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